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Bullshit or Fact? "Live one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace."

Writer's picture: johnvsgbmjohnvsgbm

Just five days ago, I was teetering on the brink of despair, drowning in a whirlpool of emotions ranging from frustration to anger. And let me be clear, those feelings haven't magically vanished. Yet, I've been mulling over the wisdom of the serenity prayer, especially the part that urges us to "live one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace." In a world where advice like "eat less and you won't get fat" or "don't use credit cards and you won't have debt" is readily dispensed, does anyone truly listen, or are we all just nodding along, hoping for an easy fix? So, in the chaotic cacophony of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder: is this Bullshit or Fact? And how do we incorporate this into our daily routine?

Usually, I ignore this type of positive attitude as empty words meant for those who are unable to handle life's difficulties. Perhaps they are incapable of dealing with life's challenges without collapsing under the weight of it all. However, my experience has been different. Between occasional distractions like watching a good movie, getting lost in music, or spending time with loved ones - even my furry friend - I catch brief glimpses of what it feels like to be carefree. Unfortunately, those moments are quickly replaced by a stern reminder from my own mind: "You still have brain cancer, remember?" So, how do I go back to that prayer? How do I learn to take one day at a time and accept hardship as a pathway to peace? What does that even mean?

As someone who typically brushes off positive attitudes as hollow platitudes, grappling with the idea of embracing the serenity prayer has been a journey in itself. How do I reconcile the notion of living one day at a time and accepting hardship as a pathway to peace with the harsh reality of my situation? What does it truly mean to find the calm and comfort in the midst of uncertainty and pain? These questions have become my companions on this tumultuous path. Yet, as I navigate through the ups and downs of my journey, I am beginning to understand that perhaps there's wisdom in these words after all. Maybe, just maybe, by allowing myself to acknowledge the small victories, the fleeting moments of joy, and by documenting my experiences along the way, I am gradually finding my own pathway to peace amidst the chaos. So, as I continue to face the challenges ahead, I will hold onto the belief that even in the darkest of times, there is a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered.

My mindset seems to shift like the wind, making this journey feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. Yet, amidst the twists and turns, I have found peace in embracing the notion of taking things one day at a time and meticulously documenting my experiences. Writing has become my sanctuary, a means to navigate through the chaos and find a glimmer of peace in the storm. Perhaps, indeed, the key lies in embracing this philosophy. But how do I make it work? With my mind racing a mile a minute, consumed by worries for myself and everyone in my universe, perhaps the answer lies in simply pausing, in relearning how to breathe. Easier said than done, right? But isn't it worth a try?


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