Embarking on this journey, I've discovered a profound truth – food truly holds the key to our well-being. Before my GBM diagnosis, grappling with high blood pressure and cholesterol, my love for indulgent eating wasn't doing me any favors. Rather than attempting a complete overhaul, I opted for a gradual transformation. My strategy was simple: make three sustainable changes and stick to them week by week.
The first decision was to bid farewell to sugar; I have a sweet tooth. Embracing organic cooking with portion control became my second commitment, and bidding farewell to caffeine, particularly my beloved coffee proved the toughest. Undeterred, I also introduced a morning ritual incorporating smoothies, a departure from my non-breakfast habits. Vega protein powder (LINK), frozen organic fruits, and almond milk from Costco created a delightful concoction that didn't leave me feeling bloated or queasy.
To simplify my meals without compromising on quality, I enlisted the help of Green Chef. If you use my link for Green Chef, you get free meals (LINK) Their easy-to-make, delicious recipes made my journey enjoyable and played a pivotal role in shedding over thirty pounds. Witnessing my lab results shift from alarming reds to reassuring greens during weekly blood tests added a layer of joy to my progress.
As I delved deeper into my health journey, I incorporated additional remedies. A trio of Manuka Honey, ginger tea, and slices of fresh ginger steeped in boiling water for 15 minutes proved remarkably effective for combating nausea. It became evident to me that food, indeed, possesses healing properties.
Having experienced positive changes, I am eager to explore more holistic approaches. If you have any tips or insights, please feel free to share. Together, we can continue this empowering journey toward well-being.
